Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Let's Wage War!

The month of August was a powerful month at the Function. Our series "Waging War" was all about the battles we face on this Earth. The Bible states that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against sin, temptation and everything the devil tries to bind us with. We used the most practical action against this: prayer! We spent the month deep in prayer, because through prayer we are CONQUERORS over any opposition we face.

Our inspiration for design was this verse: "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." Ephesians 6:11. We wanted a literal picture of this, so we decided to put together a scene of soldiers prepared to fight. They have put on their armor and have all their equipment so that when anything comes their way - they are ready.

The Tank:

First I'd like to say that I am not a tank expert, nor am I an experienced painter. No more tanks in my future, this was enough to last me a while haha :)

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So this is the tank that I attempted to paint..

I sorta wish I chose something simpler now, maybe like a cartoon version.

So first thing I did was draw an outline of the entire thing.

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Then I pretty much just painted it all in. The plan was to make the silhouette and then go back in with other colors and paint over all the details. The board had a lot of dry dirt on it and instead of washing it off I thought it would give a cool 3D effect to my tank: BAD IDEA!! haha it made it so difficult to paint, no joke.

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Well this is what my finished cheesy tank looked like. Oh and I forgot to mention: the reason I didn't paint the whatcha ma call it tube thingie that you shoot from was to make it 3D. I thought it'd give it some fun dimension. Well I found these old vacuum parts in my garage and I just thought it was so convenient that it attached at such a perfect angle, so we went for it. Very off from what it should have been, but I think it turned out well.

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I only had mannequins of torsos, so to get the soldiers ready we put in garbage bags and just blew in air. It made them look pretty realistic, besides the fact that they had no heads.

Well, the finished product: